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Week One- TSTAR Space Camp

What an awesome first week at the SEAD Academy!

During the time we had together, we learned about all sorts of space related things.

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Day 1 was all about the introductions- we talked about our strengths and weakness as well as how to utilize them. The space station was introduced as well as mission control. All of this information was just the introduction. Little did the students know, they would become experts by the end of the week. Day 2 was all about learning mission control groups. We watched videos, PowerPoints, and learned all about what each section of Mission Control did. On day 3 we talked about the Space Station and wrote procedures on how to make a 3D box and draw Mickey Mouse through Skype video chat and voice call- we even ran into some technical difficulties which emulated real life issues the astronauts face. Don’t worry, we overcame those issues 😉 Day 4 we broke up in to the six different Mission Control groups and became masters at those. After a couple of hours of hard work, they let off some steam by becoming rocket launchers. During our break we took a field trip to an open grass area where they were able to launch some bottle rockets filled with water!! How cool is that? After our fun activity, the students went back to the classroom and presented what they learned which prepared them for day 5. On day 5, we were at the Grand Stafford Theater doing a real mission control simulation where the students were faced with power, guidance, life, computer, communication, and temperature challenges.

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A huge shout out to-

  • Carie Kostak for coming all the way from Clear Lake, TX to teach at camp this week!
  • TSTAR Team for helping put this together
  • KAGS and KBTX for coming to our simulation
  • Insite Magazine
  • Everyone else who helped organize and came out on Friday to encourage our students

You all rock!

The  SEAD Academy staff is very eager to see where next week’s adventure takes us!

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Until Next Time, Friends!